Day 14 of being gluten-free

I had the healthiest Valentine’s Day in history the other day. I had a ginger shot, 2 servings of figs, a pasta salad, a piece of coconut, and an apple. This was not the original plan, but I ended up spending the day with a family member, and only brought my salad with me. They had fruit and I had that for dinner. By the time I got home, I ended up just drinking water.

If felt so empowering to not give into temptation or overindulge. If you ever do a detox that will extend for a period of time, it is more likely that it will run into a holiday, a birthday, or a social event. You want to avoid starting over when you reach these roadblocks. This is a huge expression of self-love when you put your health first over everything. With that being said, this was the best “self-care” Sunday and Valentine’s Day in a very long time.


Day 15 being gluten-free


Day 13 of being gluten-free