Day 13 of being gluten-free

When I started this journey, my goal was to heal my body from inflammation in my joints, lose the quarantine weight, and detox my body. However, a friend of mine suggested that I seek therapy recently, “ouch.” This person also has heard me for many years vent, deal the traumatizing death, childhood issues, and other unresolved problems that comes off toxic in conversation when your friend is just trying be supportive, not be your therapist. Now truth be told, I had therapy and it didn’t do anything for me, but it made me realize that this is a GREAT opportunity to detox my energy. Let go of the “gluten” in my energy. Gluten servers as a binder in food, and keeps things together.

Even though gluten may not bother everyone, it is toxic to others. So if you think of gluten in your energy, it’s the binding agent in your life that may be toxic to you and others. It doesn’t mean that all the “gluten” in your life is toxic, but some of it may be. It’s time to be gluten-free in all areas of your life. Stop putting negative thoughts in your mind. Stop fueling things that you cannot change. People should feel safe to be around you without dumping your issues on them.

Some things I would like to do more is have longer medication time, more time reading the Bible, more time praying, this may be even a great time to start journaling. Listen to others more, give more gratitude, and most important do the work of being mindful of what type of energy you create in a space. It’s time for me to let go of EVERYTHING THAT IS NO LONGER SERVING ME.


Day 14 of being gluten-free


Day 12 being gluten-free