Day 14 of #7minutesoffitness (Round 2)

Breakdown of the Day for June 13, 2021

Workout of the day: NA

Journaling:  NA

Meditation: 16 minutes

Water Intake for the entire day: 8 cups or 64 oz

Brunch: Homemade Fried oyster mushrooms with the rest of the Mac & Cheese from the Red Bamboo. 

Dinner: Beyond Meat Sausage with Miyoko’s pepper jack cheese 

Snack: Flatbread crackers with Miyoko’s pepper jack cheese 


Gut Support by ahealthycrush &

Immunity Support by ahealthycrush 

Tea: NA

Recap of the day: As much of I love to order food, my food usually taste better. I made “fried chicken” from oyster mushroom, and I finished the rest of the mac and cheese from The Red Bamboo. I am still craving “junk food” lately but will be trying to get back on a MUCH healthier eating path moving forward. 


Week 3 of the #100DayofFitness of Challenge (Second Round)


Day 13 of #7minutesoffitness (Round 2)