Week 1 of 52 of the “Change your life in one year” challenge

Since the beginning of this year, my main goal has been to prioritize my health and well-being. As someone with a demanding job and three active YouTube channels, I have learned that feeling strong and healthy is crucial for success. With healing as my focus, I hope to overcome any obstacles that may arise and lay the foundation for achieving my other dreams and wishes.

I was hospitalized for a severe and rare calcium deficiency about a month ago and was advised not to do a full liquid fast. Initially, I intended to do the “Minerals Fast” by aHealthyCrush for a week or two, but due to my current health condition, I opted to pursue intermediate fasting instead.

When I was sick, I limited my food consumption with processed sugar as it made my joints stiffer. I eat primarily whole foods and only eat when necessary and with intention. I believe it's best to continue this intentional and healing way of eating.

I am trying the Dr. Sebi lifestyle again with a new approach. Instead of a short-term fast, I plan to commit to a year with a balance of 80-90% Dr. Sebi foods and 10-20% non-Dr. Sebi. As I learn more about the harmful effects of processed foods, I may eliminate them altogether in the long term. For now, I am taking baby steps and focusing on making the majority of my lifestyle Dr. Sebi. Slow and steady progress is my approach to avoiding feeling deprived or stressed.

During my first week of this challenge, I faced obstacles, such as severe allergies and a headache. Despite this, I remained determined to push through and not postpone this challenge any longer. It’s already May, and I realized there is no better time to start than now, especially since I still struggle with my weight and health.

For week one, I drank a smoothie for brunch, healthy snacks before dinner, and one meal a day which mainly consisted of portabella mushroom steak, kale with sautéed onions, and seasoned butternut squash mash for dinner. The smoothie was made using mangos, blueberries, key limes, ginger, dates, sea moss, bladderwrack, and elderberry tea. Note I will provide exact measurements for the smoothies for future posts.

On Friday, May 5th, I took my team to eat at Mr. Breast and ordered a vegan burger and their seasoned fries, which is not Dr. Sebi approved. I wanted to eat those things,  and I will not make excuses for ordering them. The main issue with eating that meal was I craved more junk food the next day. To deal with the cravings, I went to Whole Foods and bought healthier options like spelt bread, Oyster Mushrooms, tamarind, baby bananas, and seaweed snacks. I ended up eating five pieces of bread and the mushroom steak that evening. I realized I have an unhealthy relationship with bread, but I would rather overindulge in spelt bread than order another meal from Mr. Breast.

The first week of the challenge ended well. Although tempted to eat more processed food, I chose to resist. It was the last day of the week. I knew I would weigh in the next day and didn't want to undo my progress.

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Week 2 of 52 of the “Change your life in one year” challenge


This Is My Why for the change your life in one year challenge.